Maritime Compliance Report
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Facility Security Officer Advanced Workshop
51Facility Security Officer
Advanced Workshop
33 CFR part 105
All facility security plans must be amended due to a recent Final Rule.
A great opportunity to ensure your FSP reflects the optimum level of compliance.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Kevin Gilheany
New Orleans, Louisiana Maritime Compliance International, LLC
You will learn how to:
- Determine which TSI threat scenarios a facility is required to address under the law.
- Determine which parts of a facility the MTSA applies to, and how to properly determine the MTSA footprint.
- Determine what should be a restricted area.
- Determine the secure area for optimum compliance, and the pros and cons of limiting the secure area.
- Verify a TWIC, both visually and electronically, and how to make a TWIC reader FSP amendment.
- Draft an amendment for Seafarer's Access as required by the recent Final Rule.
- Mitigate the biggest unaddressed threat in facility security.
- Go about a Coast Guard waiver, reconsideration, or COTP appeal, and when each is appropriate.
Kevin Gilheany: owner of Maritime Compliance International, retired USCG Chief Warrant Officer, drafter of hundreds of FSPs, trainer of hundreds of FSOs, successful in USCG reconsiderations, waivers and appeals; and first adjunct instructor of Maritime Security at Tulane University.
Registration $99.00
Courtyard by Marriott Gretna
5 Westbank Expressway
Gretna, LA 70053
(504) 366.1010
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Attendance is limited to individuals working at MTSA regulated facilities, or as otherwise approved by MCI. All attendees must show a TWIC at the door.
Pay by credit card online by going to our Public Seminars page.
Or, reserve your spot via email and pay by check, payable to Maritime Compliance International, at the door or mail to 132 Lavergne St., New Orleans, LA 70114.
For more information call: 504.249.5291 or
Comments 1
Thanks Kevin for asking the first of many comments to come.
You have always been a friend of our marine transportation industry.
Keep up this needed work.